Viola labradorica is a hardy, clump forming perennial. It can commonly be called alpine violet, dog violet or labrador violet. The leaves are an attractive green/ purple. From spring right through till autumn, it produces small purple/mauve flowers on dainty little stems. Only grows to about 10cm high.
This violet is native to the forests of North America and Greenland. That being said it looks great when planted under deciduous trees like silver birch and maples. The foliage looks great all year and it pretty much flowers for 9 months.
Looks best in shaded areas although as mentioned doesn’t mind being exposed sun. We actually grow ours out in full sun year round. Just keep them moist in hot summers.
We propagate and grow our viola labradorica in 140mm pots at our plant nursery located in Drouin, West Gippsland. If you would like to buy voila labradorica click the button below to check current availability and pricing.